Series recommendation: Narcos

In our weekly TV series recommendation article, this week we have Narcos.

First of all, I would like to state that it is a riveting series that I watched with bated breath. Narcos, set in Colombia, tells the life of Pablo Escobar. Money, cocaine and blood… you'll see plenty of this trilogy. A gripping, suspenseful and adventure-filled series.

Narcos series contains many characters. You may be confused at first. Getting to know the characters may take time. After a few chapters, you will start to master all the characters. The series, which tells the recent history of Colombia from the 1970s to the early 1990s, is a beautiful fiction without straying from historical reality. The American-made series, set in Colombia, is bilingual, half English and half Spanish. I won't give any more information. Have a nice time…

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