Foods That Cause Gas in Babies and How to Solve Gas Problems?

Gas problem in babies, which is one of the biggest nightmares of mothers and fathers, is a situation that disturbs the baby a lot. The clear answer to the question of what causes gas problems in babies is; It depends on the foods the mother eats and the foods the baby consumes. Based on this, we will provide you with information on what to do to relieve gas in the baby and also what foods cause gas in babies.


Breast Milk: It is strongly recommended by many doctors to give the baby breast milk for the first 6 months. Breast milk, which is very important for intelligence development, contains all the nutrients and vitamins that the baby needs. However, we can say that breast milk also triggers gas formation in babies. The biggest reasons for this are the mother's consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee and citrus fruits. While you are breastfeeding your baby, that is, for the first 6 months, you should definitely stay away from consumption sources such as foods and drinks that cause gas in babies.

Cow milk: This food source is a food that causes gas for both the mother and the baby. For this reason, many doctors do not recommend giving cow's milk to your baby until he is 1 year old. Cow's milk should not be given at all while you are breastfeeding, and your baby should stay away from cow's milk until the age of 1.

Yogurt: Yoghurt, which has a very high potential for bone development and baby development, can in some cases cause gas due to the lactose it contains. Do not give your baby yoghurts, which are classified as foods that cause gas in babies. For this, you can choose lactose-free or probiotic yoghurts.

Vegetables and fruits: Do not give vegetables such as artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and gas-causing fruits such as apples, plums, peaches and pears to babies until the age of 1.


If your baby has a gas problem, you can use the following method to relieve him/her.

Lay the baby on his back without getting hurt. Hold both legs and move their feet as if pedaling a bicycle, without damaging them. Hold your baby in a prone position and stroke his back with circular movements. Hold him upright on your shoulder and pat him on the back.

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