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WOPRE - Tüm Yazıları

Life style

Harms of Fast Food Style Nutrition

Inactivity, urinary tract infections, obesity and especially fast food style diets cause stones to form in the urinary tract. Health Sciences University Gülhane Medical Faculty Urology Department Head Prof. Dr. Selahattin Bedir, states that stones are hard masses developed by crystals in the urinary tract...

Haberi Oku
Soup Recipes

Wheat and Vegetable Yogurt Soup Recipe

Ingredients1 coffee cup wheat (soaked in water)2 liters of water4-5 Brussels sprouts1 artichoke (cleaned)200 g strained yogurt1 tablespoon flour1 egg yolk1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon oilSaltDried mintHow to make wheat and vegetable yogurt soup recipe?After washing and draining the wheat a few times...

Haberi Oku
Diet Foods

Practical Diet Dessert Recipe

The recipe, which is prepared a little differently from known diet meals, is both simple and satisfying. We definitely recommend you to try it. Ingredients1 avocado1 banana2 tablespoons of cocoa2 tablespoons of honeyHow to Make a Practical Diet Dessert Recipe?Mix all the ingredients required for the dessert until you get a smooth consistency...

Haberi Oku
Legume and Grain Dishes

Red Bean Meatballs

Ingredients for Meatballs150 g boiled fresh kidney beans1 egg2 tablespoons breadcrumbs1 tablespoon soy sauce2 tablespoons finely chopped parsleySaltBlack pepperFor restingBreadcrumbsFor fryingSunflower oilFor hamburger4 hamburger buns4 tablespoons grated tomatoes1 teaspoon pepper pasteHalf a cup sliced green...

Haberi Oku
Life style

10 Million Views Are Required for the Construction of a "Living Village"

The video clip shot to reach the "Village of Life" they dreamed of was very popular. If this video, which is a social responsibility project, is watched by 10 million people, they will be able to reach the village of life they want. Disabled young people made their voices heard to the world with a legendary song. Pink Floyd's lead singer Roger Waters "The Wall's...

Haberi Oku

Venue Suggestion; Crazyflakes Cafe

We decided to make a change this week, we will suggest you a wonderful place. A place that makes delicious, sweet, drinks and waffles that will make you happy like a child with its appearance. What's in Crazyflakes cafe? Milkshake, waffle, cornflakes and ice cream. In Istanbul...

Haberi Oku

Beauty Fest festival will be at Uniq Istanbul in May

Those who want to have new experiences in beauty and care and spend a weekend full of fun and surprises will be at Beauty Talks on May 4-5-6 with the most colorful names of the digital world. At the “Beauty Talks” where conversations and talks will be held on topics such as fashion, care, beauty, astrology, PuCCa, Uğur...

Haberi Oku
Fish Dishes

Fried Flounder and Haydari Recipe

Ingredients4 sole fish1 bowl of corn flour1 capia pepper1 green pepper1 teaspoon chili pepper1 teaspoon turmeric1 lemon's grated peel2 eggsSaltVaricot oilFor Haydari:500 g strained yogurt (Whipped)Half bunch of fresh dill (Chopped)Half bunch of fresh mint (Chopped)3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil2...

Haberi Oku
Legume and Grain Dishes

Lentil Salad

Ingredients2 cups green lentils2 green peppers1 red capia pepper6 sprigs of spring onions6 sprigs of parsleySaltRed pepper flakesFor the sauceJuice of half a lemon1 tablespoon pickle juice1 teaspoon mustard1 tea glass of olive oilSaltBlack pepperHow to Make Lentil Piyaz?Wash and drain the green lentils. In a medium pot...

Haberi Oku
Legume and Grain Dishes

Green Lentil Dish

Ingredients1 onion1 clove of garlic4 tablespoons of olive oil1 tablespoon of tomato paste1 carrot1 potato1 cup of boiled green lentils5 cups of brothSaltBlack pepperRed pepper flakesMintHow to Make Green Lentil Dish?Sauté the chopped onion and crushed garlic in olive oil until they turn pink. Add the tomato paste and...

Haberi Oku
Uygulamayı Yükle

Uygulamamızı yükleyerek içeriklerimize daha hızlı ve kolay erişim sağlayabilirsiniz.

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