5 Superstitions That Prevent Organ Donation!

The Importance of Organ Donation

Türkiye is the world leader in living organ transplantation, but is at the bottom in cadaver transplantation!

The only obstacle to organ transplantation in our country is: 

Misinformation thought to be true!

There is no organ transplantation without organ donation!



In Europe, 80 percent of organ transplants are performed from cadavers and 20 percent from living organs. In our country, the opposite situation is happening. While Turkey leads the world in transplantation from living organisms with 80 percent, it is at the bottom in transplantation from cadavers. The biggest obstacle to organ donation is misinformation! In order to inform the society against these mistakes and to bring back to life those waiting on the organ transplant list, 3-9 November Organ Donation Week Awareness activities are held within the scope of Stating that there are still 26 thousand 892 people trying to hold on to life on the organ waiting list in our country. Acıbadem Ataşehir Hospital General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. İbrahim Berber and Nephrology Specialist Prof. Dr. My Country Cakir “As of 2023, a total of 4192 people have received organ transplants in our country. 3652 of these transplants were from living donors, and only 540 were from cadaver donors. "There can be only one reason why organ donation from cadavers is so low, and that is that this issue is not fully explained to our people," he says. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Berber and Prof. Dr. Ülkem Çakır talked about 5 superstitions that are believed to be true in society, which cause Turkey to be far behind European countries in cadaver organ donation, and gave very important warnings and suggestions to those who want to donate organs and their families.


1. They can harvest organs before brain death occurs: FALSE!


ACTUALLY: This false belief is one of the biggest obstacles to cadaver transplantation. However, since breathing continues in the vegetative state, these patients can live for months or years, and sometimes they can recover and return to normal. Stating that as long as the person is breathing, all medical treatments are applied to him/her, and in case of brain death, it is absolutely impossible for the patient to return to life despite all medical support. General surgery specialist Prof. Dr. İbrahim Berber “Despite all the medical support given to people who develop brain death in intensive care units, all organs lose their functions after an average of 24-36 hours. Only the organs of a brain dead person can be transplanted to patients awaiting transplantation. Before the organs of these donors lose their functions, the organs must be removed and transplanted to waiting patients as soon as possible. The entire process is under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. "There is no need to worry about this," he says.

2. Organ donation is a sin: WRONG!


 ACTUALLY: Many people in our country are not keen on organ donation, thinking it is a sin. Even if a person donates his organs to help others after his death, this cannot be done unless his family gives permission. However, most major religions, including Islam, support organ donation. The Supreme Council of Religious Affairs of the Presidency of Religious Affairs states that organ transplantation is permissible at every opportunity and emphasizes that giving life to one or many people through organ donation is a great reward.


3. “I donated my organs, there is no need to tell my family”: FALSE!


 ACTUALLY: It is not enough for a person to donate his organs while he is alive and after his death. Because many organ donations cannot be made because family members do not accept this donation despite the person's brain death. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Berber stated that, in accordance with the laws in our country, even if a person has an organ donor card, organs cannot be taken if family members do not give permission. "Therefore, while you are alive, you should not hide from your family that you donated your organs, and in case of a possible death, you should say that you want to give life to others with your organs." "Even if you decide not to donate an organ, just tell your family about it," he says.


4. If I donate my organ, my health may deteriorate: FALSE!

ACTUALLY: Kidney and liver transplantation can also be performed from a living donor, but they may be viewed with a distance due to concerns that "if I donate part of my liver or one of my kidneys, my health may be negatively affected." However, since the liver is an organ that can renew itself, a living donor donating part of his liver does not have a negative impact on his health, and if a meticulous and detailed examination does not detect any health risks, being a kidney donor will not cause any problems in the future. Nephrology Specialist Prof. Dr. My Country Cakirsays that it is possible to live a long and healthy life with just one kidney.

5. Incorrect: Body integrity is disrupted: FALSE!


ACTUALLY: General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. İbrahim Berber said, “In the transplantation operation performed on a cadaver donor, the surgery of the cadaver donor is performed with extreme care as if it were a living patient, and great care is taken not to disrupt the integrity of the body when viewed from the outside. The surgical incisions are closed with the same care and with aesthetic stitches. "The harvested organs are brought to the centers where the recipient candidates are located and the transplantation is carried out here," he says.

26 thousand 892 people are waiting for organs in Turkey


Prof. Dr. Ülkem Çakır stated that, according to the data of the Ministry of Health, 26 thousand 892 people in our country are still on the organ transplant list, waiting to return to life with organ donation from a cadaver. "As of now, 26 thousand 892 people on the waiting list in our country are dreaming of starting their lives over with an organ that will be available at any time. Of these patients, 1290 are waiting for the heart, 157 for the lung, 2376 for the liver, 22,775 for the kidney and 285 for the pancreas. "Let's not forget that the best legacy you will leave is the organ donation you will make while you are alive," he says.

Organ donation is the act of allowing a person's body and internal organs or tissues to be transplanted to another person after their death. This action could save the lives and improve the quality of life of thousands of people experiencing organ failure. Organ donation is a social responsibility and humanitarian service that has the potential to make a huge difference between people.

The Importance of Organ Donation

Organ donation is a great achievement of modern medicine and has the potential to save people's lives or enable them to live better lives. Organ transplantation can involve many vital organs such as kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas. These organs offer people with serious health problems the chance to live a healthy life again. Without organ donations, many people could lose their lives while waiting for a transplant.

The Importance of Organ Donation for Humanity and Society

  1. Saving Lives: Organ donation can save the lives of thousands of people waiting for organ transplants. An organ transplant can improve patients' lives and prevent fatal outcomes.
  2. Reducing the Pain of Families: Thanks to organ donation, the organs of a lost loved one can provide hope to other people. This may alleviate some of the families' pain.
  3. Social Responsibility: Organ donation is a great social responsibility that a person can do to save or improve his life. Societies can create a healthier and more helpful society by supporting organ donation.

Organ Donation Process

The organ donation process is quite simple. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Making a Request: Make it clear to your family members and close circle that you want to donate an organ. You can also register your organ donation registration with an official organ donation registry.
  2. Medical Evaluation: When you donate an organ, a medical evaluation is performed. It is determined how strong your organs are and which organs can be transplanted.
  3. A Hope for Those Waiting for a Transplant: Your organs are transplanted when a suitable recipient is found. This gives hope to people waiting for a transplant.
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