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WOPRE - Tüm Yazıları

Bread Recipes

How to Make Quinoa Bread Recipe?

Ingredients1 cup 3-color mixed quinoa2 tablespoons chia seeds2 tablespoons flax seeds3 tablespoons amaranth2 tablespoons coconut oil1 packet baking powder1 teaspoon rock salt2 eggsHalf a glass of waterJuice of 1 lemonHow to Make Quinoa Bread Recipe?3...

Haberi Oku
Children's Food Recipes

Cute Cow Recipe

IngredientsWhole wheat toastRye toastHamMozzarella cheeseBlack olivesYellow bell peppersHow to Make a Cute Cow?Use whole wheat bread to make the cow's face and hair. Cut out the ears from rye toast. Make the eyes with mozzarella cheese and black olives, and the mouth with ham and salami. Black olives...

Haberi Oku
Fish Dishes

Sea Bass Recipe on Eggplant Bed

Ingredients2 sea bass2 eggplants1 glass of milk1 tablespoon of butter1 tablespoon of flour1 teaspoon of saltHalf a teaspoon of black pepper10 g of fresh kashar cheeseHow to Make Sea Bass on a Bed of EggplantClean the head, skin and bones of the sea bass and fillet it. Grill the eggplants and peel them.To prepare the bechamel sauce...

Haberi Oku
Children's Food Recipes

Mini Burgers Recipe

Ingredients1 package of meatball mixture500 gr low-fat ground meatHalf a glass of water20 mini burger buns600 gr tomatoes10 lettuce leavesBlack olives for garnishHow to Make Mini Burgers?Put the ground meat, meatball mixture and water in a kneading bowl and knead until it reaches the consistency of the mixture. Take large pieces of the mixture you prepared...

Haberi Oku

The Most Important Cause of Hyperactivity is Genetic Predisposition

Health Sciences University Gülhane Medical Faculty Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Durukan said that the most important reason for hyperactivity is genetic predisposition. Durukan said that hyperactivity can be caused by the mother smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, having a difficult and problematic birth,...

Haberi Oku
Desserts with ice cream

Chocolate Banana Ice Cream Recipe

Ingredients4 bananas1 cup chocolate chips or chocolate couverture2 tablespoons butterWooden sticksFor the topping:CandyBiscuitChocolateHazelnutPistachioHow to Make Chocolate Banana Ice Cream RecipeCut the bananas in half. Then put the bananas on the ice cream sticks and freeze for 2 hours. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and add the butter. Put the bananas...

Haberi Oku
Legume and Grain Dishes

Chickpea Meatballs

Ingredients2 cups boiled chickpeas2.5 tablespoons flaxseed6 tablespoons water1⁄2 cup bread crumbs1 tablespoon olive oil1⁄2 tablespoon garlic powder1 teaspoon onion powderSaltBlack pepper1⁄4 teaspoon marjoram1⁄4 teaspoon basilHow to Make Chickpea Patties?Put the boiled chickpeas in a food processor....

Haberi Oku

Cheap Holiday Destinations in Europe

1 / 38With the arrival of summer, the search for a holiday has begun. But sometimes holiday destinations can be more expensive than we think. If you are one of those who want a nice holiday without spending too much; Insider has chosen the 18 cheapest holiday destinations in Europe for you. From food to coffee in these places...

Haberi Oku
Fish Dishes

Baked Bonito Recipe

Ingredients2 bonitosFor marination1 onion3/4 cup olive oilJuice of 1 orange1 sprig rosemary (finely chopped)Half a teaspoon of saltFreshly ground black pepper1 lemonParsleyRed onion slicesHow to Make Baked Bonito Recipe?Clean and wash the whole bonitos. For marination, grate the onion with the fine part of the grater, squeeze the juice and put it in a...

Haberi Oku
Life style

'Istanbul Photo Awards 2018' Exhibition Opened

The first exhibition of photographs that won awards in the international news photography competition "Istanbul Photo Awards 2018" organized by Anadolu Agency (AA) opened at Istanbul Taksim Maksem Cumhuriyet Art Gallery. AA Visual News Editor-in-Chief Ahmet Sel said, "Photography is a versatile tool of interaction...

Haberi Oku
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