Children are a group that should be given special attention to eye health at the age when they begin to explore the world. The correct development of the eyes and the healthy progress of vision ability is a factor that affects the child's overall quality of life.

Important for Healthy Development
Good eye health has a positive impact on a child's school success, social interactions, and overall life experiences. Therefore, the first eye check in children is an important step for early diagnosis and treatment.
When should it be done?
The first eye check in children should be performed as soon as possible after the birth of the baby. The American Optometric Association recommends that babies should have their first eye exam between 6 and 12 months of age. This examination is performed to evaluate the normal development of the eyes and to identify conditions that can be detected at an early stage, such as amblyopia, strabismus and other eye problems.
- Early diagnosis and treatment: The first eye check allows early detection of vision problems in children. Eye problems diagnosed early can be treated more effectively. Early intervention helps improve the child's eye health and maximize developmental potential.
- Preventing lazy eye: Amblyopia is a common vision problem in children. If it is not detected early, it can lead to permanent vision loss. The first eye check plays an important role in determining the risk of amblyopia and allows the necessary treatment to be initiated.
- School success and learning ability: Good vision is vital to a child's school success and learning ability. Detecting and correcting children's vision problems in the preschool period contributes to better focus, reading skills and academic success at school.
- Social interaction and life experience: Good eye health positively affects a child's social interactions and life experiences. Clear and healthy vision makes it easier for the child to adapt to the environment, interact with friends and participate in daily life activities. The first eye check helps the child develop smoothly in these areas.
- Monitoring eye health: The first eye check is the starting point for monitoring the child's eye health. Regular eye examinations ensure early detection of eye problems during the child's growth and development. In this way, progressive eye diseases or vision problems can be detected and treated in a timely manner.
The first eye check in children is of critical importance for protecting and improving children's eye health. By providing early diagnosis and treatment, it helps improve the child's eye health and maximize vision potential. It also has a positive impact on school success, social interactions, and overall life experiences. It is an important step for parents to see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible after the birth of their child to ensure that their children have good eye health.