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Things to Consider When Buying Sunscreen: Tips for Choosing the Right Product and Usage Recommendations


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Sunscreen: Benefits and Things to Consider When Buying

The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause a number of negative effects on the skin. Long-term sun exposure can cause problems such as skin cancer, premature aging, sunburn and skin blemishes. Therefore, it is extremely important to use sunscreen when going out in the sun. While sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, it provides important benefits for a healthy and young skin. So, what should you pay attention to when buying sunscreen?

Benefits of using sunscreen:

suntan creamIt is an important sun protection product that protects your skin from UV rays, preserving its healthy and young appearance while reducing the risk of skin cancer.

  1. Prevents skin cancer: Sunscreen is effective in reducing the risk of skin cancer. Exposure to UV rays can lead to DNA damage that causes skin cancer. Sunscreen creates a protective barrier against skin cancer by reducing the damage caused by these harmful rays.
  2. Prevents premature aging: The sun's UV rays can cause signs of premature aging on the skin. Sunscreen helps the skin stay young and healthy by preventing the formation of wrinkles, fine lines and blemishes on the skin.
  3. Reduces the risk of sunburn: Prolonged sun exposure can cause painful sunburns on the skin. Sunscreen protects the skin against burns and keeps you safe for longer when you go out in the sun.
  4. Reduces skin blemishes: Sun rays can increase melanin production in the skin, which can lead to the formation of skin blemishes. Sunscreen balances melanin production in the skin and evens out skin tone.

Things to consider when buying sunscreen:

  1. Choose broad spectrum sunscreen: When buying sunscreen, you should choose a broad-spectrum product to ensure effective protection. This type of sunscreen protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
  2. Opt for high protection factor (SPF): When buying sunscreen, it is important to choose a product with a high SPF value. SPF indicates the strength of protection provided by sunscreen. There are usually different SPF levels such as 15, 30, 50. A higher SPF value provides more protection. But remember, a high SPF sunscreen alone does not provide sufficient protection unless applied frequently or used correctly.
  3. Choose water-resistant sunscreen: Sunscreen may lose its effectiveness, especially in situations such as swimming or sweating. Therefore, choosing a water-resistant sunscreen provides longer-lasting protection. However, sunscreen should still be reapplied after a certain period of time.
  4. Choose sunscreen suitable for your skin type: Skin types vary and sunscreens with different properties are available for each skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, it may be better to choose a sunscreen that is oil-free or has mattifying properties. If you have dry or sensitive skin, it is better to choose a sunscreen that contains moisturizers.
  5. Regularize sunscreen use: Using sunscreen is not a one-time application. It is important to apply sunscreen regularly every day, especially when going out in the sun or staying outdoors for long periods of time. Before applying sunscreen, read the instructions carefully and use it correctly.
  6. Give yourself time before going out in the sun: Take some time before applying sunscreen. Applying sunscreen at least 15-30 minutes before going out in the sun helps your skin create a protective barrier.
  7. Apply to the whole body: Sunscreen should be applied to your entire body, not just your face. Do not neglect areas that are more exposed to the sun, especially hands, arms, legs and neck.
  8. Check sunscreen date: Sunscreen products may lose their effectiveness after a certain period of time. When buying sunscreen, check the expiration date of the product and choose a fresh product. Old or expired sunscreens may not provide effective protection.
  9. Along with sunscreen, take other protective measures: Sunscreen alone does not provide sufficient protection. It is important to also take other protective measures such as hats, sunglasses and protective clothing when you go out in the sun. This better protects your skin against the harmful effects of the sun.
  10. Be careful to use sunscreen regularly: Sunscreen use should not be limited to holidays or beach days. Emphasize the importance of protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun by making it a part of your daily routine.

Using sunscreen is part of protecting your skin from UV rays and is an important step towards healthy skin. When buying sunscreen, it is important to choose broad spectrum, high SPF, water resistant and suitable for your skin type. It is also necessary not to forget to use it regularly and take other protective measures. Sunscreen helps your skin stay healthy, youthful and protected from the harmful effects of the sun.

Things to Consider When Buying Sunscreen: Tips for Choosing the Right Product and Usage Recommendations

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