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Childhood traumas cause stuttering


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Childhood traumas cause stuttering


People's stuttering is unique, just like their fingerprints.


Stuttering can be defined as a language and speech disorder characterized by impaired speech fluency. Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Hazel Ezgi Dündar states that stuttering cannot be said to occur directly due to psychological reasons, and says that psychological reasons can only affect the characteristics of the existing fluency disorder such as its severity, frequency and occurrence. Dündar points out that childhood experiences or traumas can be effective in making the emergence of stuttering visible.


Üsküdar University NP Feneryolu Medical Center Specialist Language and Speech Therapist Hazel Ezgi Dündar,

He made evaluations about the psychological causes of stuttering.

It can be associated with psychological reasons

Stating that stuttering can be defined as a language and speech disorder characterized by impaired speech fluency, Dündar continued his words as follows:

“Stuttering, which is a fluency disorder, is associated with various factors such as genetic factors, brain functions, environmental conditions and language development, as well as psychological reasons. However, we cannot say that stuttering occurs directly due to psychological reasons. Psychological reasons can only affect the characteristics of the existing fluency disorder, such as its severity, frequency and occurrence.”  

Are childhood traumas effective?

Pointing out the role of childhood traumas in the emergence of stuttering, Dündar said, “Childhood experiences or traumas can affect our language and speech development, as well as many areas of our lives, but they do not create stuttering in a person out of nothing. Instead, it may be effective in making the emergence of stuttering visible or may trigger symptoms in a negative way.” He expressed it as follows:

The therapy process is personalized

Providing information about the treatment of stuttering, Dündar said, “People's stuttering is unique, just like their fingerprints, so therapy processes should be personalized in the same way. "Although there are many approaches used in this field, including techniques that aim to make speech more fluent, the best way to follow would be to get an evaluation from a language and speech therapist and plan a therapy suitable for stuttering and the characteristics of the person." said.

Early intervention is extremely important

Dündar also emphasized the importance of early intervention in the treatment of stuttering and said:

“Early intervention is of great importance in reducing the effects of stuttering and facilitating the therapy process. When symptoms of stuttering are suspected, it is extremely important for parents to consult a speech and language therapy specialist and support the child in collaboration with the therapist. During this process, parents should be patient and supportive and create an environment that will pave the way for increasing the child's speech fluency and self-confidence. "On the basis of all this, an approach that includes providing access to appropriate language and speech therapy options should be adopted."

Referring to the process of language and speech therapy and coping with stuttering in adulthood, Dündar said, “Coping with stuttering in adulthood can sometimes be difficult because this situation can have negative effects on social interactions and professional achievements. However, this does not mean that the therapy process will not be beneficial. It is possible to cope with the negative effects of stuttering on the quality of life in adulthood by correctly planning the appropriate process with a speech and language therapist, adapting it to the individual's daily life, and adopting a supportive approach that includes the person's business and social life.” He concluded his words by saying: Doi number: https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.42724


Source: (BYZHA) Beyaz News Agency

Childhood traumas cause stuttering

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