A baby's start to walk is an important turning point in his growth and development journey. However, every baby is different and walking timing may vary depending on individual differences. In this article, we will describe the process of babies starting to walk, discuss developmental expectations, and provide guidance to parents.

Babies' walking process usually begins between the ages of 9 and 15 months. However, some babies may start walking outside this range. The important thing is to observe your baby's progress in motor skills and other developmental areas. Babies usually start walking by following these steps:
- Beginning: Babies can usually sit and stand using their hands by around 9 months of age. They can also stand with the help of furniture or supporting objects.
- Supported Standing: Babies learn to stand by holding on to furniture, coffee tables, or their parents' hands between the ages of 9 and 12 months. At this stage, they improve their ability to maintain their balance and strengthen their feet.
- First Steps: At about 12 to 14 months, babies begin to take supported steps from one piece of furniture to another. At this stage, they can practice walking with the help of parents or another supportive object.
- Free Walking: At about 14 to 15 months, some babies can take their first steps without the help of their parents or supportive objects. At this stage, the baby's balance and coordination skills develop and they can take their steps more safely.

The process of starting to walk depends on many factors, such as the baby's muscle strength, balance, coordination and confidence. You can encourage your baby with supportive activities to develop these skills. For example:
- Provide a safe space around your baby and allow him/her to move around. Allowing your baby to move freely will help him strengthen his muscles and improve his balance skills.
- Do baby exercises: You can do exercises for your baby to strengthen his muscles. For example, you can lay your baby on his back and pull him towards his feet so that he can lift his legs. You can also improve your baby's balance and coordination by hugging and rocking them.
- Use supportive toys: You can use supportive toys to help your baby try to walk. For example, a walker or push stroller may be helpful for baby's balance. However, be careful not to leave your baby alone in the walker or pushchair and always supervise.
- Provide a safe environment: Create a safe environment for your baby to try walking. Cover sharp corners with protective pads, cover stairs with baby gates, and keep dangerous objects out of baby's reach.
- Be patient: Each baby's walking speed may be different. Some babies learn to walk quickly, while others may take longer. Be patient and let the baby progress at his own pace. Don't force him or worry, because every baby is different in his or her development process.
- Seek expert advice: If you are concerned about your baby's walking progress or is experiencing significant delays, it may be a good idea to consult a specialist. A pediatrician or developmental specialist can evaluate your baby's development and provide additional support or recommendations as needed.
The process of babies starting to walk may vary depending on individual differences. It is important to follow and support your baby's development. Be patient, provide a safe environment and allow your baby to progress naturally. Enjoy watching your baby's journey of growth and discovery with every step.
Here are 5 Game Suggestions That Can Help Babies Accelerate Walking:
- Game Towards the Goal: Set a goal and encourage your baby to walk towards that goal. For example, show a target spot next to a basket full of toys and encourage your baby to walk to that spot. This ensures that your baby progresses towards walking with purpose and motivation.
- Game based on Items: You can help your baby walk by holding various objects to develop strong legs and balance skills. For example, encourage walking by holding items such as a large, sturdy ball, toy stroller, or push toys. This is a great exercise to help your baby regain his balance and strengthen his steps.
- Musical March: You can play musical walking games to improve your baby's walking skills in a fun way. Encourage your baby to walk to the rhythm by playing his favorite music. For example, you can walk across a room as if dancing, holding your baby's hand, or try to take your steps to the rhythm of the music.
- Tunnels and Obstacles: You can play games with tunnels and obstacles to improve your baby's motor skills and encourage balance. By using toy tunnels, you can encourage your baby to crawl through them or jump over simple obstacles made with pillows. This will strengthen your baby's courage and balance skills.
- Tracking Game: You can play tracking games to improve your baby's walking skills. Have your baby follow you by walking in front of you at a safe distance. For example, you can encourage your baby to follow you by walking from one end of the room to the other. This allows your baby to focus his attention and improve his balance and coordination.

These games will help you strengthen and improve your baby's walking skills in a fun way. But remember, it is also important to pay attention to your baby's natural progress and development of walking skills at his own pace. Games should only be used as a supporting tool. Additionally, your baby should be supervised at all times to make sure they are safe. As parents, enjoy watching your baby progress and give him love, support, and encouragement.