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It is Possible to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease!


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Experts made a statement about "Alzheimer's Disease: Ways to Protect and Slow It Down by Preventing Risk Factors".

Alzheimer's will be seen in 135.5 million people in 2050

Alzheimer's disease has become a rapidly increasing health problem worldwide. This disease, which is more common especially in the elderly population, is expected to reach 76 million people in 2030 and 135.5 million people in 2050. In Turkey, approximately 600,000 families had to cope with this disease. The incidence of Alzheimer's disease can be summarized as one person suffering from dementia every 3 seconds. Neurology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Selda Korkmaz stated that Alzheimer's disease is a disease characterized by irreversible brain cell loss and there is currently no effective treatment method. However, he said that in recent years, some drugs approved for use in early-stage Alzheimer's patients have been shown to at least slow down cell loss. He pointed out that this cell loss seen in Alzheimer's disease occurs due to abnormal protein accumulation in the brain. While talking about these proteins, he particularly emphasized amyloid beta and tau protein and stated that treatment options targeting these proteins have been developed.

There is No Definitive Treatment Method

Explaining that correctable and uncorrectable risk factors have an impact on the development of Alzheimer's disease, Assoc. Dr. Selda Korkmaz stated that in addition to uncorrectable risk factors such as genetics, age and gender, correctable risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, head trauma, stress, depression and obesity can delay or even prevent the onset of the disease. Onultan stated that although the causes of Alzheimer's disease are not fully understood, genetic and environmental factors have an impact. He listed symptoms such as memory loss, cognitive decline, and personality changes among the symptoms of the disease. Specialist also touched upon the treatment processes of Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Onultan explained that there is currently no definitive treatment method, but medications, cognitive rehabilitation programs and healthy lifestyle changes are used that can relieve symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

What Should Nutrition Be Like in Alzheimer's Disease?

Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Dyt. Kübra Sert emphasized that healthy nutrition plays an important role in protecting against Alzheimer's disease. He stated that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and stated that the Mediterranean Type Nutrition is effective in this regard. Reducing saturated fatty acids and trans fats and adopting a diet enriched with antioxidants are important factors in supporting brain health. Dyt. Kübra Sert also stated that special attention should be paid to the nutritional needs of Alzheimer's patients and that it is important to consume a diet rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, B vitamins and fluid intake. (BSHA – Science and Health News Agency)

It is Possible to Prevent Alzheimer's Disease!

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